La Sirene Flor Saison 330ml
La Sirene Flor Saison 330ml
"Flor Saison is the same recipe as our award winning Bottled Saison but now in a Can format, still 100% Can Conditioned to give you that rich mouthfeel and fine bead on pouring, but now fresher than ever!
We have renamed this iconic classic FLOR SAISON as a nod to the oxidative airborne yeasts & bacteria that are found on the surface of our Saisons as they age and ripen in barrel. These native wild yeasts come from the walls of our brewery’s microbial-rich environment and find their way into our fermentations. FLOR SAISON is Open Fermented in large French Oak Vats with no temperature control or anything like that, which is one of the reasons why La Sirène Saisons taste like no other on the planet!"
"People that know us will know that creating Saisons & Farmhouse Ales is not recipe or formula driven.. We allow our natural yeasts & bacteria to drive the creation of these highly expressive wild ales from batch to batch. This best represents and honours the true origins of Saisons in our opinion, a naturally fermented Wild Ale that can only be defined and judged for that matter by its ability to express the Seasonal and Microbiotic influences of a specific site at a particular point in time and of course represent its makers to some degree in ethos and craft."
Tasting Notes
A naturally fermented Wild Ale that can only be defined and judged for that matter by its ability to express the Seasonal and Microbiotic influences of a specific site at a particular point in time
Alphington, VIC, Australia